Ranking Profile - MARUWA Co., Ltd.


MARUWA Co Ltd (MARUWA) operates as a provider of ceramic substrates and products. The company offers electronic components and devices including power inductors, antennas, capacitors and radio frequency components. Its machinery ceramics include slider ceramics, soft ferrite, ferrite magnets, ceramic valves, alumina substrates and quartz glass, for semiconductors. MARUWA also offers multi-layer ceramic substrates, ceramic hermetic seals and ultra-high purity fine ceramic SiC components. The company manufactures light-emitting diode modules, components, and lighting products for interiors and exteriors of public buildings as well as streetlights. It operates in the UK, Germany, the USA, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, India and South Korea. MARUWA is headquartered in Owariasahi-Shi, Aichi, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,640
Revenue (US$ m): 434 (2023)

Innovation ranking


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