Ranking Profile - Huntsman Corp


Huntsman Corp (Huntsman) is a manufacturer of differentiated organic chemical products. It offers a broad range of chemicals and formulations, including amines, maleic anhydride, MDI, epoxy-based polymer formulations, textile chemicals and dyes. The company markets its products to a diverse range of consumers and industrial customers. Huntsman products find application in adhesives, aerospace, personal care and hygiene, automotive, construction products, durable and non-durable consumer products, digital inks, electronics, power generation, refining, medical, packaging, coatings and construction, synthetic fiber, textile chemicals and dyes industries among others. The company operates through a global network of administrative, research and development, and manufacturing units in North America, Middle East, Europe and Asia. Huntsman is headquartered in Texas, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Chemicals
Market Cap (US$ m): 4,606
Revenue (US$ m): 8,023 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Chemicals sector

Innovation Ranking


LG Chem Ltd

South Korea


Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd



Huntsman Corp

United States


Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co Ltd



PQ Group Holdings Inc

United States


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