Ranking Profile - Daiichikosho Co Ltd


Daiichikosho Co Ltd (Daiichikosho) engages in rental and sale of karaoke equipment and software. It covers wide range of business operations including production of music and video software, commercial karaoke business, karaoke cabin and restaurant business, and BGM broadcasting services. The company offers products such as music and video software. In addition, Daiichikosho also provides various services such as content distribution services, real estate leasing services, web services and satellite broadcasting services. The company operates commercial karaoke under the DAM brand; and karaoke shops and restaurants under the BIG ECHO brand name. Daiichikosho is headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Wholesale
Market Cap (US$ m): 2,043
Revenue (US$ m): 844 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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Closest peers in the Wholesale sector

Innovation Ranking


Bunzl plc

United Kingdom


Cardinal Health Inc

United States


Daiichikosho Co Ltd



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