Ranking Profile - Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd


Tokyu Corp (Tokyu) is an industry conglomerate. It carries out operations in real estate, transportation, lifestyle and services, and leisure and hotel businesses. The company executes railway and bus operations in Tokyo and operates Sendai International airport. It operates Toyoko, Meguro, Denentoshi, Oimachi, Ikegami, Tamagawa, Kodomo no kuni , and Setagaya railway lines in Japan. The company provides real estate development services such as property sales and management, leasing, and related brokerage services. Tokyu operates department stores, chain stores, shopping centers and hotels and resorts in Japan. It also carries out golf course operations, advertising, imaging, and community antenna television (CATV) operations. Tokyu is headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Metals and Mining
Market Cap (US$ m): 9,348
Revenue (US$ m): 6,880 (2023)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Metals and Mining sector

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