Ranking Profile - First Quantum Minerals Ltd


First Quantum Minerals Ltd (FQM) is a metals and mining company. It carries out the exploration, development, mining and refining of various metals and minerals. It produces copper, gold, zinc, nickel, silver, and copper cathode. The company’s major mines include the Kansanshi copper mine, Trident copper mine, Ravensthorpe nickel, and Cobre Panama mines. The company also owns development projects including Guelb Moghrein copper-gold mine, Las Cruces copper mine, Pyhasalmi copper-zinc mine, Cayeli copper-zinc mine, Taca Taca, and Haquira project. The company operates mines in in Zambia, Mauritania, Argentina, Panama, Peru, Finland, Australia, Turkey, and Spain. FQM is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Company info

Country (HQ): Canada
Sector: Metals and Mining
Market Cap (US$ m): 17,360
Revenue (US$ m): 7,626 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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