Ranking Profile - Kudelski SA


Kudelski SA (Kudelski) is a provider of digital security and convergent media solutions. It offers cybersecurity services, integrated user experience and content production solutions, and consulting services. The company provides public access systems to maintain control over access of people or vehicles to car parks, airports and sports, entertainment, cultural and exhibition facilities. Kudelski’s technology finds applications in wide range of services that require access control and rights management mainly to secure the revenue of content owners and service providers for digital television and interactive applications in broadcast, broadband and mobile delivery networks. The company offers its services to cable, telecom, internet, satellite, terrestrial and mobile operators besides content providers and broadcasters. It also develops and provides device security, data security platforms for IoT technology. The company operates across Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific regions. Kudelski is headquartered in Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland.

Company info

Country (HQ): Switzerland
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 99
Revenue (US$ m): 706 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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