Ranking Profile - Duskin Co Ltd


Duskin Co Ltd (Duskin) is a provider of franchising services. It operates its services under two categories, such as Direct Selling Group and Food Group. Under Direct Selling Group, the company offers services such as house cleaning, home repair service, uniform service, health and beauty service, delivery of mineral water and coffee, nursing care and welfare equipment rental services among others. The company’s food products include donuts, beverages, cakes, snacks, confectionery products, baked food products, tea and coffee. Major brands include Mister Donut, Katsu & Katsu, Bakery Factory, Pie Face, Mosdo, Terminix, Merry Maids, Total Green, Home Repair, and Uniform Service among others. It delivers its products and services through franchises all over the world. Duskin is headquartered in Suita-shi, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Business and Consumer Services
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,251
Revenue (US$ m): 1,453 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Business and Consumer Services sector

Innovation Ranking


Nielsen Holdings plc

United States

Business and Consumer Services

Atlassian Corp Plc

United Kingdom

Business and Consumer Services

Duskin Co Ltd


Business and Consumer Services

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